My name is Kristin Huth, and my husband and I have owned our home here in our wonderful Providence community since 2013. Over that decade, I have seen so much change and growth in our area. Regardless of the inevitable change that comes with living in a busy city, we have always enjoyed living right here in this area of the valley while raising our three small children.
The board of 2021 had so many urgent items to address that I applauded and supported them in their successes with regard to financial repair, the completed park expansion, and the continued maintenance of our common areas. The newer board of 2022 continues to demonstrate this pattern efficiently, and I appreciate a responsible group of volunteers that will spend our hard-earned money on things that make a difference to our community while upholding the CC&Rs.
I have attended many board meetings in the past to make my voice as a homeowner heard, but now I have decided to try for a role with more influence. In 2023, I took action and put on events with the help of other like-minded people in this community. I am not one to sit back and complain about issues; instead, I do
something about it. With this experience, I have realized (along with others who assisted in planning these events) that we don’t need to use HOA funds to bring this community together. We are neighborly here in
Providence, and there is already a willingness to help each other out.
When I am elected to the board, I will advocate for advertising future events planned by neighbors or a social committee across multiple communication platforms. As a board member with experience in successfully organizing a myriad of free events, I would be well-equipped to closely work with management in order to make sure that the event planning goes smoothly with fewer hiccups and without spending association money.
I will advocate for community involvement and listen to all ideas. I want to help bring a sense of community back to our neighborhood with the return of small events while simultaneously being fiscally responsible about how they are funded.
Lastly, but most importantly, as a board member, I will be bound to the responsibilities that come with running an HOA as outlined in the CC&R’s. I would not want to jeopardize that serious role by entertaining expenses that are outside the bounds of the CC&R’s that we live by. When I am on the board, I will do everything that I can to maintain an approach that stays true to the bylaws while also listening to the homeowners that make up this community. Reaching a compromise on sensible community patrol in the parks, for example, was a necessity, but I believe that expanding that patrol to the entire community would be excessive (to the tune of millions of our dollars).
I want to direct our funds to more efficiently invest in our community, maintain our common areas, and save adequately for major repairs or unforeseen emergencies. That is what our money is for, and that’s how I will make sure that it is spent. Additionally, I will always vote to return money to the homeowners if there is a surplus.
I know this community well, and I know that it is a great one. It’s the people here that make it that way! Please contact me with any questions or concerns directly at:
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This website is not affiliated with the Providence Master Homeowners Association.